Where Light & Airy
Meets Dramatic & Bold
World-class wedding and event photography
Serving Cape Cod, Plymouth, Newport RI
and all of New England
Available for travel world-wide

Best Boston Cape Cod MA wedding photographer

wedding photographers near me

Best Boston Cape Cod MA wedding photographer

Why Berryphotos?
I'm Keith. I'm a husband to my beautiful wife Katie and dad to my three wonderful kids. I've been shooting weddings for over 15 years and absolutely LOVE it. Here's the cool part. In those 15+ years I have learned how to master wedding photography. With that experience I can think less about "How" to get a perfect picture and instead focus entirely on ensuring your experience on the wedding day is smooth and worry free. My goal is to capture everything perfectly while ensuring you have as much time as possible with your family, friends and guests. I want you out on that dance floor having fun, so I make sure the time to take pictures is efficient and fun! I've got the photography part down masterfully. Regardless of the style or approach I can get the best possible pictures in any given scenerio. That confidence allows me to lower the anxiety you may be feeling at the time. I can be as quick and as efficient as you'd like with out sacraficing quality. This means you get more time to enjoy your wedding and less time stressing. My goal is simple. Your wedding day is really really important. Perhaps, in a weird way, more important that you currently realize while you're actually living it. Remembering the feelings you felt on your wedding day can literally change your perspective and help keep you grounded in the future when the role of being a spouce sets in. Likewise, as time marches onward there will be loved ones that are precious to you who age. The pictures and albums we create grow in value exponentially over time. My life's mission is to provide as many couples as possible the opportunity to reflect on the love shared on this one particular day - your wedding. I have mastered the approach to wedding photography and consider it my legacy to provide couples with such important tools to look back and appreciate each other. I keep it fun, light-hearted and easy going. My job is to lower anxiety, not raise it. My approach brings calmness to the day with efficiency and confidence. This plays out well if your timeline gets behind schedule or you're feeling rushed. My approach can mean you have more time to celebrate with your guests. With over 1200 weddings and 15+ years we've accumilated the awards and have been listed on all the various lists but realize that's all for show. What matters is that you and I create some gorgeous pictures, capture every emotion, get TONS of candids and generally just allow the day to be about you - not me.
We do weddings. We know weddings inside and out. This level of specialization has allowed for Berryphotos to delve deep into what makes a wedding day "better" and how can we as photographers impact the general vibe of the day. Afterall, the photographer is really the only vendor you hire that's pretty much with you the whole day. We have a lot of influence on how the day feels and how smooth things go.
We found a sweet spot on the South Shore & Cape Cod but obviously service all of New England as well as destinations. We've done Europe, Jamaica, D.R., Miami, Texas, Colorado and all over the U.S. We're sandwiched between three major wedding hubs. Boston, Newport and Cape Cod are all within our free travel zone but we price ourselves for the South Shore venues. When pulled to those more expensive hubs we don't raise our prices, so it ends up being quite a deal for those weddings. Likewise, for south shore couples you'll get the $10,000 experience for half-price - literally! We've worked at most of the local venues and have been referred by most as well. We have a strong presence in the area and can really give couples an "insider" perspective on many local venues. Please reach out and ask us about any venue you may be considering.
Any photographer will tell you it's their passion. We wouldn't do it otherwise. At Berryphotos we want to delve a bit deeper into "Why". Our job is to preserve generational love in photo format while enhancing your day. Life is short. It really is. Your wedding day will fly by. We don't like telling you that, but it honestly will. We do all in our power to slow down the pace of your day. We go into the timeline in depth and discuss how we can find special moments for the two of you to step aside, breath and just take-it-all-in. The pictures capture the important stuff obviously, but we're also capturing the stuff you miss. We're getting such an intense depth of coverage that you truly get to relive the day from various perspectives. It's all about memories. You get to relive your day. You get to see grandma and grampa having a great time knowing that some day you'd give anything to share that with them again. You get to show your future kids what it was like. We take that responsibility very seriously. It's not just taking pictures, it's what's IN those pictures that's super important. From those random guests at the back table to those dancing on the dance floor and everything in-between we look at the day as if we are trying to show someone who wasn't able to be there what it looked and felt like. Creating an album is the best way to tell that story, so we put a lot of emphasis on that finished product. The pictures are just the ingredients. The finished masterpiece is the album.
We started this crazy adventure over 15 years ago and in that time have serviced over 1200 weddings. We've had years where we had a crew of 4 photographers out shooting over 110 weddings per season and we've had years where we travelled all over the world. Our current iteration of Berryphotos is more of a bespoke couture experience. We take our skills and talents and apply them individually to a select number of couples per year. But, let's talk about the "When's" that are applicable to you. When are we available to you? Always, just reach out. We reply quickly. When do we service the wedding? It's unlimited time, so we show up as early as needed and stay as late as needed. It's open ended to fit your day and your needs. We never restrict your time of coverage. Our job is to tell the story of your day. We can't do that if we limit the number of hours and miss something important. When do you get the pictures? Within a month of your wedding we'll have everything processed and ready for you. We won't cut down the number of images - you will get as many as possible.
This is the easy part. How do we do what we do? Experience. With experience, our attention is no longer on "How" to take good pictures. Instead, we know we've got that covered so we can direct our attention on YOU. We can ensure that you get the most out of your day. When it comes to the formal family pictuers, we can be efficient and quick because we kinda know it's probably not the most fun part of the day but necessary. OK, we'll fly through it without missing anyting. When it comes to those "Wow" shots. We can take a really cool shot, then simply change some settings on the camera or flash and get an entirely different feel and vibe from the same scene. With those skills it's like you're getting multiple photographers at the same time. In almost all cases, however, you don't have to shell out hundreds for a second shooter. We capture alone more than most two-person teams ever could. Just comes down to that same word - Experience.