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Having the "Right" photographer means so much more than just getting amazing pictures. Do you know what to look for in a picture? Do you know what the quality of the product will be? Do you know what the day-of experience will feel like?

A true professional with all the right skills will enhance your day. It's enhanced by a level of skill, experience and confidence to always be two steps ahead of you and ensuring things runs smooth.

Seriously, how do we get the concept across that the actual real experience you have on your wedding day will be better with Berryphotos as your photographer? That's a real statement. For a fact, your day will run smoother and you will feel less rushed.

Now, such a bold statement needs to come with some evidence.

  1. We have a pre-wedding meeting where we discuss family/wedding party pictures as well as larger group shots. We know who needs to be where - when.

  2. Larger group shots have a "Picture Captain" assigned to gather the group (so you don't have to). Have the DJ call out the group. Determine ahead of time exactly when the picture will be taken (immediately after the best man toast). This tip alone could save you 20 minutes of hell during your wedding just trying to gather people.

  3. We're super quick and efficient. We know the formal shots are a formality, so we make them fast, beautiful, fun and easy so you can get to the real fun inside as soon as possible.

Some examples:

  1. Ceremony in Boston ended at 5 and had to get down to Quincy for formal pictures outside before sunset at 6:00. With traffic we'd be arriving on property at 5:45 leaving only 15 minutes. Knowing every second counts I spoke with the priest at the church to ensure he'd not go over and keep it on time. I then spoke with the limo driver and explained we can't dilly-dally but need to efficiently get them in the limo immediately after the ceremony and book it down to Quincy ASAP. I then spoke to the venue to ensure the picture area was unlocked and they were ready for us. I then spoke with the couple and wedding party explaining they need to go down the aisle at the end of the ceremony and keep walking and get right in the limo. Everything worked out perfectly and we were able to get through every combination of family and wedding party pictures as well as amazing sunset shots of the couple before we lost light (yes in only 20 minutes). It was a challenge, but I promise you 99% of photographers would simply roll with whatever's happening, get to the venue after sunset and tell the couple "I guess we'll stand in front of this wall" and blame the couple for not providing enough time.

  2. At venues that don't typically do weddings, we often have to step up to the role of a wedding coordinator. On one occassion the space was too small. Dinner tables were on the dance floor leaving a tiny patch to barely get through. They were about to do their introductions and first dance. The venue and DJ both had the whole wedding party lined up. They were intending to do a dance all together. No one noticed that there was literally NOT an inch to do such a thing, but they were going to get introduced into a space they couldn't fit in. It was us who invited the guests in those tables to stand and surround the dance floor and push their tables/chairs to the side to make room averting a very uncomfortable intro.

Why tell you all this? Because having a positive experience with your photographer means you're relying on their skill and expertise of executing a perfect event. It's SO much more than just taking pictures. It's so much more than just being present. It's an active partnership where our main goal is to ensure you have no anxiety, no stress and no wasted moments on your wedding day. It's a level of empathy where we literally try to understand what you may be feeling at any given moment and trying our best to enhance that moment if at all possible. It's for this very reason that if we did it right we get a hug at the end of the night.

Surround yourself with your team. Let them support you, encourage you and yes, for one brief day they fan-girl all over you. It's OK! Let them! I know you don't like being in the spotlight often and it feels weird to be the center of attention, but girl, this is a big deal. You're getting freakin' married!!! Let your team cheer!!!

For the past 18 years we have built Berryphotos to be an industry leader for Wedding Photography in the northeast. Maxing out at 110 weddings per season (still can't believe we did that) we have been through several iterations of how we engage our couples.

At all times we've maintained one goal. From the client's perspective - You are our only client! Over the years I've come to trust my gut on the direction of the business. We used the same logos all along because I couldn't find anything I liked better.

That is, until 10pm on August 29th 2023 when a logo popped into my head. Within minutes I was sitting in front of the computer designing the exact look that was in my head.

It's a simple design with nods to the vines Berrys grow on and with a fun light font that actually creates a bit of a heart in the B.

Likewise, the background of our website had always been darker to give a sleek modern look. Now we're using light and airy shots accented by specialty shots that are dramatic and bold to properly show our range of styles.

I couldn't be more thrilled with the outcome. It properly reflects our Bespoke Couture Studio format.

© 2025 Berryphotos

Wedding Photography for Boston, Cape Cod, Newport RI, NH and available for travel worldwide.


    617-686-5394     •

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